As noted on the previous page, the
majority of artwork in the Nectaris Official Guide Book
consists of detailed, technical drawings of weapons (like this one
for the S-63 Bison battle tank). Truth be told, there aren't too many illustrations to get excited
about. Sure, the technical drawings in the weapon guide are
detailed...but, in general, they are too formal, dry and sterile to
evoke sustained interest (still, I am sure some Nectaris fans
will appreciate the verisimilitude of the weapon guide).
Personally, I prefer "cuter" depictions of the weapons
(like those found in the original PC Engine game manual: cute
1 cute
2 ). Too corny and cartoon-like for your tastes? Well, I
also enjoy the more realistic depictions of the Nectaris universe; below you will
find scans for some of the better, more interesting illustrations
included in the Nectaris Official Strategy Guide. Enjoy!

Finally, we have a kool depiction
of the infantry. Light infantry (GX-77) are in the foreground,
with a lone GX-78 heavy infantry in the background (note different
armaments). In the original manual from 1989, the infantry
were depicted as either ... |
... robbie
the robot clones or classic sci-fi DEEP
SEA DIVERS (above). See, the grunts really do resemble something you would find in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
The image above is from this
page in the original PC-Engine manual. |


This is one of the few
times you'll ever see a portrayal of the human soldiers who operate
and pilot the weapons in the Nectaris universe. In the entire
series, there is but a single appearance of humans
"in-the-flesh" : upon successfully completing Nectaris GB (Gameboy), there is one image in the ending
cinema that portrays infantry with their helmets off (similar to the
illustration above--except it's a corny scene in which a group of
grinning soldiers are huddled together). |
In case you were wondering
where the title of the game is derived from: "Mare Nectaris (the
'sea of nectar') is a lunar mare. The Lunar maria (singular: mare) are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by ancient basaltic flood eruptions caused by extremely large meteoroid impacts. They were dubbed maria, Latin for
'seas', by early astronomers who mistook them for actual seas. The maria cover 16% of the lunar surface."
See? You can learn stuff from video games. |
Here is a launching pad
for spacecraft ( & isn't MOA -- GUICY's secret weapon --
housed underneath this?). I think this is
BASE NECTARIS (since a similar structure is featured in the intro and closing
cinemas)... but it could just be a generic base and not the game's
namesake. |
Everyone's favorite troop
carrier, the C-61 Pelican, can handle the heaviest of cargo.
In this scene, HMB-2 Giants are being transported. If it were
not for Pelicans, Giants would never be able to get to the front
lines in a timely manner, since they are the slowest unit in the
entire game. |

I have dubbed this GUICY's
(XENON's) "floating fortress", but an acquaintance
suggested that this is not a military structure at all. This
behemoth is responsible for stripping the moon of its natural
resources and sending the minerals back to Earth. In this
picture, the minerals are being sent to Earth ( I think they are
transported via an "energy beam"... ) |
The "floating
fortress" is designed to plant itself into the surface of the
moon (as pictured above) during the mining process (and when a more permanent home is
required). I don't think BASE NECTARIS is anywhere to seen in
this complex, so MOA (the
doomsday uber-weapon) isn't lurking underneath (as I had initially
assumed). |