Remember the "mysterious" Guicy troops
we caught a glimpse of at the close of the opening sequence?
Well, they foreshadowed the plot & gameplay developments that
are revealed after you finish your first campaign on the Moon (maps
1-12). Upon conquering map 12, your Union army captures Base
Nectaris (depicted as a domed fortress in the screenshots below) -- the last Guicy
stronghold on the moon. In all other Nectaris games, capturing
Base Nectaris is the ultimate objective and signals the victory of
the Union. Not so in Neo Nectaris, in which the battle
with the Guicy is just beginning... because key Guicy personnel
and troops evade capture and are able to escape, via shuttle, from Base Nectaris (you
can see the shuttle blasting off in the second and third image
And so, here we have an example of how cinemas actually add to the Neo Nectaris gaming
experience: After com- pleting the first campaign (maps
1-12) on the Moon, you are treated to a cinema that introduces the
new development in the Guicy / Union War. The Guicy have
escaped in a shuttle and you must now pursue them ... to Mars.
Mars? Yes, a huge Union fleet is sent to Mars -- which turns
out to be a secret military / research outpost where the Guicy have
created BioHeiki ( literally "Biological Arms / Weapons).
When gameplay resumes, the lunar battlefields will be re- placed by
Martian battlefields and the BioHeiki will be gradually introduced over the
course of three successive maps.
Mars, of course, is the quintessential
destination for the relocation of the Guicy / Union War, since this
planet has long been associated with war and bloodshed (the Greek
god of war, Ares, is better known by his Roman name, Mars). I
know I am corny, but I love stuff like that. I am curious as
to whether the Japanese narrator in Neo Nectaris makes any
explicit allusions to the Western mythology of Mars (although even
the implicit allusion would not be lost on Japanese gamers, I'm sure...just
think about all the Greek / Roman mythological references in Famicom