Whether you simply don't like the web-based
weapon guides I made for this site, or you are just curious about what
the original printed instruction manuals were like, here are scans of all
of the weapon guides (yes, even the Luna Strike weapon guide is
included below -- though I doubt anyone will ever look at it).
Weapon Guide (1989, PC-Engine, Japan) : page
1 page
The original guide -- and cutest one! This and the Neo
Nectaris guide are my favorites. I used the illustrations from
this guide for the web-based Universal
Weapon Guide featured on this site.
Military Madness Weapon Guide (1989, TG-16, North America)
: page
The first English-language
guide... and the least interesting. All text, no illustrations, no
specs. |
Nectaris Weapon Guide (1994, DUO / PCE + CD, Japan) : page
1 page
The Neo Nectaris manual features the
sharpest-looking weapon guide out of the entire series. It spans
four pages in total and is the only guide that documents the
eight new military units unique to this game. I used the
illustrations from this manual for the Neo
Nectaris Weapon Guide featured
on this site. Anyway, I still think that the
original PC-Engine guide is still the best (because it is the
cutest-looking one of the lot). |
GB Weapon Guide (1998, Gameboy, Japan) : page
1 page
2 page
This is an encapsulated, concise
and cute -- though cramped -- weapon guide (how fitting for a Gameboy
game). It uses actual screenshots of the sprites instead of
illustrations. NOTE: The page scans are enlarged significantly;
reading the printed version strains the eyes. |
Weapon Guide (1998, PlayStation, Japan) : page
1 page
2 page
The slickest-looking weapon guide
to grace the series... featuring nice renderings of each weapon in
full-color printed on glossy, thick paper. The problem is, this
guide has the look and feel of a slick auto / motorcycle racing
Nectaris: Military Madness (1999, PlayStation, North America)
: page
1 page
This weapon guide looks like a poorly
photocopied cut-n-paste from the Japanese guide. The Japanese version
might be too slick, but the North American version is simply too ugly. |
Light Weapon Guide (1992, Super Famicom) : 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
10 11
Wow, how many pages are there?
Wonderful, cute illustrations adorn this weapon guide (the ink and
watercolor renderings are even cuter than the sprites in the game, if
you can imagine that). |
Light: Luna Strike Weapon Guide (1996, Super Famicom, Japan) :
page 1 2 3 4
Coming soon: the entire (4 page)
weapon guide. Why? Why not? |
At some point in the
future, I hope to document (at least partially) the remaining weapon
guides in
the series... if you can assist in any way please contact
me. Thanks. |